Your Fitness Inspiration Blog

Recipe – Cashew Cream

Cashew CreamSo simple, but simply delicious!  This fabulous cream recipe is very versatile.  We've had people use it as cream in their coffee.  But, we prefer to make it a bit thicker and use it as a replacement for traditional whipped cream.  It's great with a bowl of blueberries for dessert or a bedtime snack.  It's also pretty tasty with other toppings on your pancakes or waffles too!

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What’s Preventing YOU From Succeeding?

Fitness - The Desire to SucceedThis could well be the million dollar question.  If there was an easy answer, then everyone would be succeeding all the time.  But, unfortunately, they're not!  So, I want to share with you  (in a short summary) some observations and ideas of how I believe some of us may be more successful when trying to reach certain goals.  Since it's the nature of my business, I'll focus on health, fitness and exercise.  However, you can apply these comments to almost any aspect of your lives.

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What Does Your Blood Say About Your Health?

Blood test, blood samples on a laboratory formDid you know that your blood is a cornucopia of information about your health?  When I go for my annual medical check-up I get the usual "routine" blood tests done.  Those tests tell your doctor what your results are for cholesterol level, blood sugar reading, iron level, platelet count, etc.  I am routinely within "acceptable" limits for all those readings and, so, feel there's not much for concern. However, one of the other readings that's not routinely tested for, but was done for a recent test, is "c-reactive protein" or CRP.  An increase of this in your blood is an indicator that there is some inflammation in your body.

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