Dear Blog-ary: Do “regular” people really run?

Dear Blog-ary,

I have a clear image in my mind of being late for the bus.  Running for the bus stop, down the road, thinking "I hate running!"

Little did I know that I'd willingly chose to do it on a regular basis like we did tonight. This evening Loreli led our "scenic tour" through Telegraph Cove. It included magnificent ocean views, and of course HILLS!  As much as I still wince on the dreaded cardio work out days, they really challenge me and give me great perspective as to how far I've come.

Although I've been very active in the past I had never particularly loved running. I never found any pleasure in it. It hurt too much!  I honestly thought that people who ran must either be training for a marathon or just plain nuts! Do "regular" people really run? I didn't think so.

Attending Alter Ego Fitness Boot camp has completely changed my perspective on running. It's truly been a total mind and body transformation. I remember my first class so well. I was nervous and uncertain of what to expect. After finishing what I now know to be a typical warm up of jogging and stretching, I honestly thought we had completed the work out! It took every ounce of energy and deliberation I had to make it through class that first day. Every day after that for the entire first session I was almost certainly the last one in line, trailing from behind. Despite that, I never felt embarrassed or down on myself. The pats on the back and high fives I received, from trainees and Trainers alike, gave me the incentive I needed to continue. I felt such a strong sense of support and community from everyone in class, that I hadn't expected. Everyone was working hard and we were all in it together. We celebrated each others victories, even if it was just getting through that days class.

From the first class on we continued to build.  Loreli gradually increased the intensity of the workouts as we progressed. By the time we ran Cedar Hill golf course in week 6, I could run at a pace that I was comfortable with, and I was strong enough to make it to the end. That run was definitely a jumping off point for me in my journey and I have run that chip trail many times since.

When I try to describe to friends why I now like running, I have a hard time explaining it. It just feels good. Every time I run I am pushed a little bit beyond what I find comfortable and I'm able to recover so much quicker than I was before. I feel stronger and healthier. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction every time I complete a run at boot camp, or on my own.

Now, I've got my sights set on Sunday's training runs, when the real fun begins and I start to focus on November's 10k.  My first ever!

I had to say it here so  that I can't chicken out when the time comes  .  .  .  Kirsten Wolf

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