Dear Blog-ary: I did it! Yes, I ran the Bear Mountain 10K!

Dear Blog-ary,

Although I've already written the "final" entry of my six week Training Session, and the "Can You Bear It?" running clinics, here I am again! I couldn't very well have reached my goal of running my first ever 10K and not write about it. So, here it is!
Nine weeks of running training, on top of my six week strengthening boot camp sessions, had prepared me as much as I had hoped to be for my race. During the time I spent training, I had many doubts and insecurities. I often wondered if it was a good idea to make the Bear Mountain 10K my very first 10K event. It is, after all, promoted as "Canada's Hardest 10K".  But my drive to persevere helped me overcome my fears. I wasn't about to stop until I had reached my goal. The race would be a true test of my abilities and proof of how far I've come.
The energy at Bear Mountain was exciting. Everyone was greeting each other and warming up through the side streets and paths of the village. The weather held out until 10 minutes before the race. Then the wind picked up, and the rain started. As we huddled in a crowd near the starting line we were all eager to start running and get warm.
The race itself was many things! It was exciting, challenging, breathtaking, invigorating, grueling. It was, by far, the hardest I have ever worked during any run. Only positive thoughts were present and I felt a certain indescribable electrifying surge from the runners around me that only happens when people who share a passion for something come together.
At certain points I had to run focused and determined, with every ounce of energy I had, to make it to the next kilometer!  But, at other points during the run, I would pass a kilometer marker feeling like I had just seen the previous marker. By the time I arrived at the 8K marker I knew I was almost done. In my mind I had already accomplished the race and I put everything into each stride, pushing as hard as I could until I crossed the finish line.
I had never run a 10K until last weekend, and I'm no expert when it comes to knowing what is common place during a race, but I have to say that all of the organizers and volunteers did an amazing job of orchestrating last Saturdays events. I loved all the signage throughout the race indicating each Km, naming upcoming hills, and even apologizing for the steepness! If I had not been so out of breath at the time I would have laughed out loud! I also enjoyed seeing Santa at the 3km water station and all of his happy Elves! Yes, that's right. Santa in the flesh, waving and encouraging us and I couldn't help but notice, Santa looked an awful lot like Ron!
Some people might think it's crazy to run this course, especially in November. But, I feel like one of the privileged few who have had the amazing experience, and now I own the bragging rights to say, "I've ran the Bear Mountain 10k!"  .  .  Kirsten Wolf

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