Dear Blog-ary: Time Flies When You Workout!

Dear Bolg-ary,

I can hardly believe that next class will be our final work out in this six week session. In some ways, time has flown by. But, on the other hand, I feel that I've accomplished so much.
Cold weather workouts go unquestioned when evenings are as beautiful as it was last night. It was a clear Autumn evening and the air was crisp and fresh. As I made my rounds through our upper body Tabata workout at Mount Doug Park, I gratefully filled my lungs with the clean ocean air. As much as I enjoy the warmth and security of a heated building on a cold autumn evening, I look forward to getting out of the house and into the elements for a workout. Maybe it's because I'm an Autumn baby, but Fall is by far my favourite season to be outdoors!
Weather aside, last nights workout pushed me hard and I am feeling quite sore this morning. I expected my arms, back and quads to be stiff but I am pleasantly surprised to find that my glutes also got quite the workout last night! I find it really hard to engage those muscles, but last night I must have been doing something right. Ouch! I'll be doing plenty of stretching today so I'll be nice as loose for Thursdays workout.
I continue to gain muscle strength, tweak my diet and learn more about myself in every session that I complete. I have been able to carry through this session with only one class lost, due to a migraine. I'm hoping to move forward and beat my record by having NO migraines at all if I can help it, by making wise eating choices and creating healthy lifestyle habits.
I'm also continuing on with the Can You Bear It running clinics, every Sunday, as we look ahead to Novembers race. It won't be long now! But, before all that there's still one more workout ahead of me and Loreli assures us it will be a goodie! Come rain or shine, I'm looking forward to Thursday's workout!  .  .  Kirsten Wolf

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