Think Of Your Training as a “House Of Cards”

House Of CardsDo you recognize any of these terms?  H.I.T.T., Tabatta, Intervals, Kettlebells, Weights, Cardio, Aerobics, Fartleks, Core, Yoga?

They're all mentioned in many discussions around fitness and sometimes (I think) like name dropping, the use of these terms are for the sole purpose of impressing others in the conversation.

Well, I'd like you to think of them as building blocks or (as suggested in the title) "cards" to be used as you build your individual "house of cards" fitness regime. As you use them, your house can get stronger and more diverse.

By themselves, each of these modalities can be an effective means to achieve another level of increased health and fitness.  But, if they're not used properly or with the knowledge of when, why and how to use each of them, you can very easily end up feeling beat up and defeated.  Or, worse yet, you could be seriously injured.  In that case, your "house of cards" will suffer and could easily collapse.

When used properly, and safely, they can (and do) compliment each other.  If you think of each of them as a building "card" AND you have someone that will assist you, and monitor your form and technique, you'll be more likely to build a successful "house of cards" and achieve the level of fitness you seek.

The specific focus of the technique may be intended for something completely different, but some of these techniques will also help you with a different sport or goal.  Take kettlebells for instance.  Did you know that, although you may be training to run a 1/2 marathon and focusing your attention on the various techniques specific to running, kettlebell training will help you develop the strength AND the cardio you need to conquer that 21.1 kilometres?  Kettlebell training also helps minimize the impact on joints that so many of us need when training for a run.

There are many ways in which a great trainer can assess you in your ability to train in a specific modality and how it will effectively benefit you (reducing the risk of injury by up to 100%) so that you can continue to train or be active for many years to come.

During a Training Session at Alter Ego Fitness we’ll introduce you to each of these at an appropriate time during your training (i.e. when you're "ready" and more physically capable).  We believe it's essential, for an effective health and fitness regime, to incorporate some form of each of these routines at different times during your training.  As well, it changes things up and keeps the workouts interesting!

But don't take my word for it, interview any trainer you wish to hire and be sure to find someone who speaks your language and understands your needs and desires.  After all, an effective Trainer will work with you to ensure your “house of cards” stays solid.

Loreli With a WeightLoreli is a BCRPA Certified Personal and Strength Trainer.  She's fully trained and certified with Can Fit Pro as a Personal Training Specialist.  She's also certified to train Agatsu Pro-Grade Kettlebells and Mat 1 Pilates, is a certified Kruger Omni Healing practitioner and YogaFit Instructor.

Understanding that a commitment to wellness is not just about exercise, Loreli is also educated about natural nutrition - knowledge she gladly shares with her clients.

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