Dear Blog-ary: Experience Has Taught Me . .

Dear Blog-ary,

Experience has taught me to expect nothing less from Loreli’s workouts than moments of shear intensity along with the occasional surprise.

Last nights session, appropriately named “Sexy Back” did not disappoint! Focusing on upper body strengthening we worked every back, shoulder and abdominal muscle imaginable. And just to keep us guessing, we also mixed it up with a little boxing, “spider walking” and mat work. If I’ve ever doubted the existence of certain illusive back muscles, I am certainly aware of them this morning!

Having had a Grandmother who suffered from osteoporosis in her later years, I am ever conscious of my own strength and posture. I’ve grown up believing that some things just can not be avoided due to our genetic predisposition. But, as I learned during  an evening nutritional seminar Loreli led in my home this past summer, genetics aren’t everything! I learned that by living healthy, eating clean, exercising often and building muscle we CAN help protect ourselves against certain diseases and health conditions that we know to be prevalent in our family’s health history (like my grandmothers osteoporosis).
This was great news for me to hear. Instead of feeling doomed, or fearful of what I might inherit from my grandparents, I have great cause for hope and feelings of empowerment. The decisions and commitments that I make now, regarding my health and fitness, will benefit me for years to come.
So, even the day after a hard workout when my muscles ache and just reaching for my toothbrush makes me wince, I’m happy in the knowledge that I am getting stronger!
Wincing while typing . . . Kirsten Wolf

1 comment

  1. As you’re well aware, I LOVE to hear that you have sore muscles! Often those ‘not noticeable’
    muscles are not worked enough and they’re the ones that are important for posture. Standing and sitting up straight affects so much of our lives and bodies – we can breathe easier (unlike leaning forward hampers our breathing) and our organs aren’t getting squished! Not to mention the great energy flow of the earth being able to nourish your whole body because you’re sitting or standing up straight!

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