Top 10 Reasons To Work Out With Alter Ego Fitness

Alter Ego Fitness Experience- Boot camp class running on the beachHmmmm . . .work out in a gym, or outdoors?  Decisions, decisions.

You might think it comes down to simple personal preference.  But, I’ve done some research, and there’s a body of evidence that suggests outdoor exercise might actually have even more health benefits than a trip to the gym.

With that in mind, and in a bit of shameless self promotion, I’d like steal some of David Letterman’s thunder to give you a quick “Top 10 list of reasons for working out now with Alter Ego Fitness Experience“.

Here’s some very valid reasons to take your next fitness session outside with us:

10) The weather.

You might think that, when there are cooler temperatures outside, it’s time to take your efforts indoors.  But, on the contrary, there are plenty of valid reasons why exercising outside in the cooler weather is better for you than working out in the warmth of a gym.  In the cooler temperatures, you burn more calories because the body uses more energy to generate heat. And, because you sweat so much less than you would in a hot gym, you’re much less likely to become dehydrated.  Plus, you can work out much harder in chilly temperatures than in hot ones.  Heat taxes the body so much more.  And, I know it may come as a bit of a surprise but, you really aren’t made of sugar.  You won’t melt due to a little rain (if we’re unfortunate enough to get some).

9) Get happier by getting some sunshine.

Some 15 percent of Canadians suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or “winter blues”.  To beat them, you need to get as much natural sunlight exposure as you can.  You don’t get that in a gym. The physical activity of our classes, enjoyed in the increased exposure to natural light, will raise your spirits and increase your Vitamin D intake naturally.  And, we live in a city that’s ideal for year-round outdoor activity.  Breathing fresh air, as opposed to the recycled kind, can create a feeling of euphoria, which comes from the body’s release of feel-good endorphins. Exercising outside also creates greater feelings of revitalization, energy, and positive thinking than does working out indoors.

8) Avoid those pesky gym germs.

Getting fresh air has actual measurable physical health benefits.  According to a study by the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. If you’ve ever walked into a stinky gym, you know exactly what’s up. Gyms are hotbeds of germs including the flu virus, athlete’s foot and staph.  You can avoid these hazards by washing your hands often, changing your socks daily, using foot powder, wiping down equipment before and after use and wearing flip flops in the shower. Or, you can steer clear of these bugs all together by taking your routine out in the crisp, fresh air.

7) Think more clearly.

Breaking a sweat outside may make you smarter.  The lead author of a 2011 study that analyzed the mental health of people who were involved in indoor or outdoor activities for six weeks found that “Closeness to nature increases our well-being—it has an immunizing effect by protecting us from future stresses and helping us concentrate and think more clearly“.  As well, other researchers found that memory performance, and attention spans, improved by 20 percent after people spent an hour interacting with nature.  We’ll give you an hour and a half!

6) Blast More Calories.

It’s easy to get in a fitness rut when your body knows exactly what to expect from the gym machines like the treadmill, elliptical, and stationary bike. The varied terrain of an outdoor area might be just what your body needs to challenge itself to move in varied, more complex ways.   When you’re distracted by the environment, you’re less aware of your effort, such as how far you’ve run or how much your quads burn.  When you factor in wind (Mother Nature’s form of resistance training), temperatures, and other external variables, you can end up torching 5 to 7 percent more calories just by trading the indoor treadmill for outdoor workouts.

5) Enjoy the benefits of a Personal Trainer at a fraction of the cost.

With our small group classes, and the resulting lower client-to-trainer ratio, you get an almost personalized training plan and hands-on coaching.  It’s as close as you can get to a Personal Trainer without paying for it all by yourself.  You get maximum results, maximum encouragement (since you’ll have your fellow bootcamp friends as well as a Trainer pushing you) and maximum bang for your fitness buck.

4) Accountability.

You know that, if you work out by yourself in a gym, it’s all too easy to skip your workouts. Knowing that there’s a group and a Trainer waiting for you at a certain place and a certain time can be a huge motivator for some folks.  Doing almost anything with others is more fun than doing it alone.  Group exercise helps you makes new friends and broaden your social horizons.

3) Definite start and stop times.

Our bootcamp classes have a clear schedule.  There’s no “when I get around to it” about one of our group Training Sessions.  You have a clearly defined time that you can set aside week after week, which helps to form healthy habits.  You’ll be surprised how much faster time travels when you aren’t in the gym.  Changing your routine, seeing new faces, taking in the natural scenery, it all helps combat workout boredom.  There are so many things to see and do outside.  Enjoy a great sunrise/sunset while you work out.  Get to know more of the natural settings in your city and get fit at the same time.

2) Efficiency.

We’ve devised progressively more challenging workouts. Over the span of your 6-Week Training Session, you’ll experience sessions that include a dynamic warm-up, a resistance training component, a cardio component and a cool down.   All this saves you the time and energy of trying to design a balanced program for yourself.  And, we’ll challenge the fitness level of each and every participant.  It may not be a fully personalized training plan, just for you, but it’s usually a good plan based in exercise science designed by someone who knows what they’re talking about.

And, the NUMBER 1 reason – for you to “don’t delay – start todayand work out NOW with Alter Ego Fitness (insert drum roll here . . . )

The “A Team of Trainers”! – no other fitness company has this “secret weapon” in their arsenal.  The fortunate folks that have had the opportunity to work out with us know that our drive and passion, combined with our commitment to safety and form, is unsurpassed.  We truly do care!  And, we want everyone to succeed in their quest to be healthier and fitter.

There’s a new 6-Week Training Session starting on Monday, April 22nd. 

Call or email the office NOW to book your spot and arrange for your Orientation Session.

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