Dear Blog-ary: Last Class of This Training Session . . But, I’ll Be Back!

Dear Blogary,

It's hard to believe that this will be my last post for our six-week Fall Bootcamp Training Session. Last night's work out was bittersweet. There's always a huge sense of accomplishment that I feel after completing a session. I enjoy our little group and will miss seeing them and hearing about their lives every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Hopefully some of them will continue on over the winter, or maybe I'll see them again in the spring!
Loreli pushed us hard last night and we mastered a seemingly endless stretch of stairs at Gyro Beach. Just when I felt like I couldn't go up another step, she would challenge me by sending me back down to the bottom again. We all felt the burn in our legs and our lungs so there wasn't much chatting going on between us. It took every once of energy and deliberation to make it to the top of the stairs each time! We took a brief intermission, from the stairs, to do mountain climbers, push-ups and planks on the sandy drift wood. Just before it became too dark Loreli pushed us one final time up the stairs. (When I say one time, I really mean many times! I guess Loreli has been rubbing off on me!).
Once we were (really) finished our ascent and descent on the stairs, we headed back to the park and pulled out our mats. Just because the work out is never really done when I think it is, we did a few more intense core strengthening exercises before we stretched. Loreli showed us her version of a "massage". She had us focus on clenching different groups of muscles as hard as we could for a certain time, and then relaxing. It was suppose to help us relax and it really did work!
So thus ends my six week adventure! I'm looking forward to continuing on with the Sunday training runs, and plan to sign up for another 6-week Training Session in the future. I'm officially hooked on Alter Ego Fitness Experience and I can't wait for my next big challenge!  .  . Kirsten Wolf

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